Introducing Artistic Associate and One Night Stands

We are thrilled to announce our new Artistic Associate, Joanne Roberts! Let’s get to know her better! 

What are your pronouns? She/Her 

What is your sun sign? Aquarius. Supposedly I’m creative. Do you see it? 

Where were you born? Here in Winnipeg. I love it here. 

When did you know you wanted to work in theatre? I joined the theatre company at Oak Park and I was like, yeah. I think I enjoy the feeling of leaving my own life for a while and living someone else’s.  

What was the first play you ever saw? Romeo and Juliet. It was in the gymnasium at my elementary school. I don’t know for sure, but I have a sneaking suspicion it was Shakespeare in the Ruins. 

What is your greatest fear? Spiders. I don’t care how big or small. If a spider comes near me, you will know.  

Who is your favourite playwright? Wajdi Mouawad. Scorched in the original French text blows my mind. 

What is one issue facing local theatre that you are most passionate about amplifying and improving? In all of my artistic pursuits, I try to be very vocal and actively advocate for diversity, equality and inclusivity.  

Link to social media? Instagram: @joannesmaison Facebook: Joanne Roberts 


Joanne Roberts is an award-winning Canadian filmmaker, writer and actress. Joanne’s theatre credits include Janelle in the bilingual co-production of Que faire d’Albert?/What To Do With Albert with Théâtre Cercle Molière and Prairie Theatre Exchange respectively, and Juliet in Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) with Theatre Projects Manitoba. Her personal work focuses on stories that evoke discussion concerning family dynamics and mental health. By shedding light on familial issues that are too often kept in the shadows due to societal and cultural stigma, she hopes to encourage people to seek the help they need in understanding and improving their relationships and mental health. Joanne is a very outspoken individual when it comes to systemic racism and safety in the arts community. She is not afraid to speak about her own experiences. She participates in revealing discrepancies in the treatment and hiring of minorities in the arts, and advocates for diversity, equal treatment, and opportunity through interviews, consulting, and her own hiring practices. 

We are also thrilled to announce the return our One Night Stand scene-reading series, which will take place in March 2021. Owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the reading will be held in a digitally. 

We are currently seeking submissions of 10-minute scenes from work-in-progress plays from emerging playwrights based in Manitoba. These scenes will receive an hour-long closed dramaturgy session with actors, a director, and a dramaturge the week of March 8th, followed by a public presentation to receive audience feedback the week of March 15th. SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 22ND. For full post information click here!

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